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Ingen tagger enda.

The snake and the seasons

A season is coming to an end and everything is in changing.

My skin is shredding and I feel emotional. I had gotten used to the environment and was settling into my skin's form, patterns and colors. I fell in love with how I experienced life wearing this suit and all the opportunities it attracted and repelled.

The feeling that burst in my heart while I’m thinking of the skin and season I just lived in, is so overwhelming that I confuse it with sadness.. so I mourn.

It is sad to see my skin go. The skin I had come to love and finally felt comfortable in.

I turn it around and I honor, I give thanks to everything and everyone that made this experience happen.

I am overwhelmed..with gratitude.

It calms down, and for a moment I doubt I will ever feel the same in my new skin and future environments, but I know I am wrong. I have done this before, and my faith has grown strong. So I let my skin go. Saying goodbye to all the colors, letting my supporting habits, friends and ways turn into something else. I will not let it turn sour by clinging on for too long. I will free them, free myself by willingly and joyfully say goodbye, when it all still feels good.

As the skin shreds, I know I will be vulnerable for a while, and that gives me opportunities to retreat, release and restore. The recent season prepared me for this one, and I will get ready to fall in love yet again. I am prepared. I do not know what I am prepared for, but I am prepared.

The skin is turning into colors and patterns I could not forsay, and if I hold on to judgements and expectations I get scared and fear the outcome. It attracts people, situations, environments and habits which I have judge as bad or scary. "why is this happening to me?" is not questions I want to ask anymore. "I am creating this, and creation is working through and for me". This is beautiful and I am prepared. I know my mission, and my mission is to learn to love what is. To see God in every detail. To feel good in every moment. As I stay with my intention; the body, mind and soul work together to see my mission come true. It is supported by the Ultimate Vision and we are guided through.

Suddenly I see the colors as the most beautiful colors I have ever seen, and noticing how the patterns and environment are supporting me by being what they are. I fall in love again. Not afraid to loose. I know by now that this season will also end and a new one will continue, and I will fall in love again and again. What I fall in love with is irrelevant, the feeling will remain the same.

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