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I feel guilty for being alive

I feel guilty for feeling good

I feel guilty for being in love

I feel guilty for living life joyfully

I feel guilty for being carefree

I feel guilty for being lighthearted and naïve

I feel guilty for being positive and wise

I am writing this to become clear once and for all, of the nonsense, tension and confusion of these statements, and that I create more guilt, frustration, sadness and anger if I continue to let this overtake my experience of life.

Realizing and remembering my truth when I allow joy and ease, without the need to justify, explain or defend my birthright.

Our birthright is nothing to fight for. You were born and you were right. There is nothing to do to prove or improve your perfection.

Freedom is not achieved through struggle; it is realized and manifested when allowed.

When you dare to say out loud that you are your creations, a whole new world is going to show itself to you.

You are not a victim of your creations; you are the creator and experiencer of them. And so are you free and empowered to experience them in any way you please.

I speak the truth. Sat Chit Ananda. Dare to listen to my words and let peace unfold. Dare to allow your simplicity as much as your complexity. Dare to be free, and most of all, dare to enjoy it.

Our being is not to be ashamed of or to be blamed, it is to be experienced in all shapes and forms, and finally seen for the perfection it is and always have been.

Dare to love what you love. Dare to love what you hate. Dare to love and be loved. Dare to be love.

If you ever get so arrogant to say that you are not worthy of being all that is, remember this is what you are stating about your fellow beings as well. Start to recognize your goodness in others, and others goodness in you.

We are all the same, we are all individual, but all one, and if you do not believe that, question it! Question yourself and question me! I would love to set this belief free and be convinced of something even better, so please, I encourage you, be my guest, friend and teacher and give me something beyond great to contemplate :)

Namaste friends, community, family, world and universe. Peace!

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